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About Us

We are two friends (Cat and Claudia) that created a blog to share our thoughts about books in 2010 and named it Encruzilhadas Literárias (roughly translated to Literary Crossroads) because we wanted our blog to be a crossroad for Portuguese readers surfing the web.

Nowadays we are not only going international but we have more than 1000 followers at our blog (which receives more than 3000 visits per month) but also more tham 1500 followers in our Facebook Page. We also created a Goodreads profile so our followers could keep up with all the books we are reading. 

Our blog is composed by book reviews, some articles about books and the world of literature and giveaways. Since we write mainly to a Portuguese target-group, the majority of our opinions are in our native language. However, we have already made a few reviews in English (and we are open to make many more) and we keep publishing notes about books that are being released internationally. Most of the books we review in English are Young Adult since it's an unexplored market in Portugal.

Note: We used to live close by but since last year we are divided between Portugal and UK (we now live in both countries), which means the news about UK have their space increasing at our blog and Facebook! Even so, Cat (now living 90% of her time in the UK) will mainly be the person reading and reviewing English books mainly due to schedule and agenda issues


Cat / Ki
Known bookaholic and part-time writer Cat loves books and everything that's related to them. Sometimes she has feelings and opinions about books and the world and she writes about them in her blog. She also has a personal GoodReads account and she believes the world is a better place for it (AKA no more repeated books from relatives as gifts). She reads manly Young Adult books, but is known to dip her toes in science fiction and crime novels. She lives in the UK and can often be found either in Waterstones or the Charity Shops.

Addicted to the library Claudia loves to read on the move and it's not unusual to find her reading in a train or bus while commuting to and from work. However don't be fooled as she is also keeping an eye on the landscape and all around her. She is an avid defender of sustainability and volunteering and she is always eager to star new projects (but she also likes to keep in touch with her friends!). She is a dreamer and loves good stories so she keeps looking for them in her personal life.