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Opinião: United We Spy, de Ally Carter

United We Spy
de Ally Carter
Edição/reimpressão: 2013
Páginas: 304
Danger. Glamour. Fun. Everything a Girl Needs.
Cammie Morgan has lost her father and her memory, but in the heart-pounding conclusion to the best-selling Gallagher Girls series, she finds her greatest mission yet. Cammie and her friends finally know why the terrorist organization called the Circle of Cavan has been hunting her. Now the spy girls and Zach must track down the Circle’s elite members to stop them before they implement a master plan that will change Cammie—and her country—forever.
Rating: 4/5

Caros Encruzilhados, o ano passado dissemos que seria provável que começassem a sair algumas críticas em inglês e hoje faremos uso desse nosso anúncio. Depois de ter publicado no meu tumblr uma foto do meu exemplar de United We Spy uma seguidora britânica pediu-me que escrevesse uma crítica ao livro quando o acabasse. Assim sendo e depois de ter escrito a crítica toda em inglês achei que não faria mal deixá-la no original e publicá-la aqui. Podem ver o meu post original aqui e ler a crítica abaixo.

You can say a lot of things about our Gallagher Girls but one thing is for certain they aren’t prompt to dull moments. Since the first book when Cammie is still young and still trying to find her place, to the last one when she finally understands where she wants to be it’s all a burl of explosions, crosses and a lot of sassy Bex Baxter.
As you can probably tell from some of my previous posts Bex is my favourite character in these series. The why is a bit obscure to me. I think it’s because she’s British, sassy and always ready to do what’s right. Also, like me, she snores. What’s not to like about her? (Also I have been told on occasion that I drive as bad as she does). I like to think that if I could be one of the girls, I would be Bex.
But back to our final book. After a book of pure adrenaline and mystery our girls are now facing something a bit more predictable: graduation. But of course, graduation at the Gallagher Academy, specially with the Circle working in the shadows isn’t as easy as it seams.
What can you expect form this last volume? Everything you got from the previous volumes and more. We get geeky Liz, intuitive Macy, sassy Bex and spy Cam and that’s all a girl needs. There’s explosions, high velocity pursues and a lot of self-doubt mixed with the certainty that this is what the girls were trained to do.
For the Zach lovers I have to say, fear not, Zach is in the building and being his romantic/spy self as usual. You can count with a fair amount of kisses, hugs and some light romance from our favourite boy spy.
You can also expect some revelations. One of them I didn’t saw coming, even Cammie was surprise and that’s saying something. One of the things I most enjoyed on this book, and I bet Ally wrote it on purpose, was the “kids” question (bit of a spoiler here I think read at your own risk). SPOLER [I saw some twitts by Ally Carter in which she commented that some of the fans wanted a pregnant/married Cammie by the end of it (this surprised me a lot, I mean Cammie is 17, the Circle wants her death why the hell should she think about getting married?) anyway Ally said more or less what I though. Cammie is 17, she is trying to stay alive, she has a mission to finished etc, etc. So when I got to the part of the book when Zach mentions that he isn’t planing on having kids I thought to myself “Ally, you sneaky girl!”, I think it was interesting to have Cammie think about it for a second. I mean, even Cammie knows she’s too young to even think about it so I hope that the fans that wanted an answer about kids and marriage weren’t too mad at this “no” because I tell you, I liked the cards Ally dealt. ] END
There’s only one thing I have to complain about and that’s the last chapter, I really think the book should have ended on chapter 39. I know chapter 40 is like an epilogue but it totally broke my tear mode, I was almost crying at the end of chapter 39 and then I went on to chapter 40 and got a “meh” feeling out of it. I still haven’t read the bonus story but I’ll get to it tomorrow.
All and all, it’s an amazing last book with a great story and Orchard makes it even more beautiful with it’s amazing cover. Seriously I have nothing against the American covers but have you seen the British ones? Those are some beautiful covers.
I do hope every Gallagher Girl out there will enjoy it as much as I did.
